Monday, September 22, 2008

that hair

Emery's got a bit of cradle cap, so my dermatologist said to put Vaseline all over his head. Needless to say, my child looks like Johnny Depp in "Cry Baby", minus the leather jacket. Worried that strangers would think ill of me for not taking care of his hygiene, I put a hat on him while we were out today. At lunch with Donna, our cute waitress told me that Emery was pretty. "I know he's a boy, but I'm just gonna say it..." I have to admit that I agree with her. If only she'd seen his hair, though-- that's what really gets the ladies going. Last week, a woman stopped me and said that she couldn't get the thought out of her mind to just take a bite of him, he was so cute. "It's an inappropriate thought, but true. That hair...", she said.

I realized today that that hair (all 3 and a 1/2 inches of it) is such a part of him. Without it, he looks so different! Here it comes... the montage:

channeling a little Ed Grimley...

the greaser

a hat that fits!

cuddle time with mom

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