Sunday, September 14, 2008

fall is here.

we had a lovely fire tonight, complete with hot dogs from costco and cupcakes from kelly, to celebrate grandma sue's birthday. although i have no picture, brooklyn and her little english friends izzie and lui found a tarantula walking up the driveway. creepy. and although i have no picture, it was a beautiful view from the mountains of alpine. there was a crisp breeze and emery did great, as he loves the wind in his hair.

and i didn't fare so well, as we forgot about said wind. it was chilly in shorts and a t-shirt!

lately, emery's chubby little fingers are finding their way into his mouth- it's his newest trick.

the past two days, he's also discovered anything on his chest, like this blanket... and like the fingers, it is inserted directly into the mouth.


  1. How fun. And oh my gosh, your little guy is so cute. I hope I get to meet him soon.

  2. I'm jealous...I want Fall.

  3. is "fireclub" being reinstated? because if it is, we need to be invited.

    plus, i'd love to see inez's reaction if she ever saw a real tarantula since she talks about them ALL the time.

  4. tell granny sue, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I do love your mom.
