Wednesday, September 3, 2008


At 1:28 p.m. exactly three months ago today, on a sunshine filled Tuesday, my life changed forever with the birth of my first born... and I often feel that she's here with me most days, cheering me on to smile through the rough times and to love every minute her namesake and I share.


  1. thanks for making me cry. i miss her alot.

  2. hi kelly. sweet post. thanks for the email. i can't believe we found eachother.

    you are so cute. little mommy you!

    i have seen your babe on brookes blog. he is adorable. so so cute.

  3. cute kelly.

    so im going to put a stop to my laziness and call you so i can finally meet emery. he is so cute and want to see him before he grows out of baby stage and wont let anyone hold him. thats always so sad. so im going to call you this week and come visit. and if you dont answer im just going to stand on your doorstep and let my kids go free in your yard.
