Saturday, December 13, 2008

morning muse

After a short morning nap, he was content to hang out in his high chair while I worked.

Lately, he likes sitting by the sliding door and looking outside

or staring at Max as he runs around the house chasing a bug that wandered in.

He is also easily entertained by his hand.

Then he got the look.

The yawn gave it away.

Nap time. Again... his favorite schedule, mommy's patience permitting, is to sleep an hour, play an hour, sleep an hour, play an hour, and on and on.


  1. He's so photogenic. I love that he's entertained by his hands. That seems to be Will's favorite thing right now, it cracks me up.

  2. You are very patient to do the whole hour to hour thing. What a good mom!
    He is so cute, Kel!
    How is the sleeping thing going??

  3. go emery! you'll be a happy baby yet!
