Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

After a test run with the new stroller and a happy boy in his Christmas PJs, over the river and through the snow to grandmother's house we went.
We passed our church building, which was being blanketed with a blizzard.

It was a gorgeous white Christmas.

Emery wasn't easily entertained that afternoon, although I captured the one moment he seemed content without a nap.

Dinner was delicious, even with the undercooked turkey which was promptly heated in the microwave.

Big thanks to Ina for her delicious recipes. And big thanks to Nate for one of my favorite Christmas presents this year:

scrumpous carrots with dill

and homemade gravy

Come dinnertime, Nate was ready for a nap.

Martinellis all lined up in a row-- we were ready to feast!

Emery enjoyed the mashed potatoes and yams.

Nothing like naked time to end a good meal.

It'd been a long day and we headed home before a huge meltdown occured-- one was certainly on the way.

1 comment:

  1. You guys look so cute! Your mom really hasn't aged -- she looks just like I remember her! Hope I look that good!
