Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Emery and I met some Jiles and some LeSues, along with Chickie, for lunch at the new Paradise Bakery. Erin and I had been so excited to try it, we unknowingly attempted to go there a week before it even opened. I believe that today we were there on their third day of operation and the staff was a bit... overly friendly. After being asked 27 times if we'd like help choosing our meal ("What are you in the mood for? Do you like asian inspired salads? Can I interest you in some soup? Would you care for an overpriced sandwich? How about a cookie? Can I carry your tray? Do you enjoy brownies?"), we ordered and paid and ate. The fabulous company made up for the not-so-delicious-although-I-wanted-it-to-become-my-fave-eatery lunch. Holly had to pick up Inez from preschool and my mom had to go to Activity Days, so Erin and I were left with three little ones that needed naps. What a terrific time to head to Target!

While Erin and Susannah were in the restroom, I snapped a few pics...

this one sums up the personality differences in our little men:
Emery with a concerned look, about to cry out for his mother to hold him
and Jack, entertaining himself and cooing like a champ

My boy poses like no other!

Jack anticipating an earful from Emery

commence the crying
Susannah snuck a onesie from the baby aisle and entertained herself trying it on
(notice the other onesies on the ground that were almost in her grasp...)


  1. I have to admit that I fell in love with Paradise Bakery while living in Arizona... mostly because there are no good sandwich places anywhere in the desert. Now it's always a special treat whenever I go to Phoenix or Denver, and I'm not allowed to come home without a dozen or so of their divine chocolate chip cookies (and I usually pick them up in the airport). Favorite sandwich is their Turkey Cranberry. I've heard that people in Utah aren't loving Paradise as much as they wanted to, but there's always been good deli/bakery choices there. Too bad I didn't know that there were so many Paradise locations in Utah while I was there!

  2. By the way, NERDS, I'm only like 5 minutes from there. I will totally meet you guys there for lunch (Tue/Thurs are best.) Excuse me while I go be jealous.

  3. i think i'm going to have to return when i'm feeling really down #1 for the carbs and #2 for the exceptional customer service.
