Saturday, October 4, 2008


After dressing Emery appropriately for a trip to Sundance, we headed up to the canyon. With the last week of near 90 degree weather, it was nice to have the rain and it made the trip interesting, to say the least. The Forbes joined the extended family at The Foundry Grill for a delicious lunch and then we made our way over to the harvest festival at the base of the slopes. Trudging through 2 feet of watery grass under a leaky tent to look at overpriced jewelry was super great. What troopers the Jones are!

family fun

uncle kurt and aunt lindsy

uncle kyle

we headed home via the Alpine Loop
and are happy to announce that fall is here!

little Emery slept all the way through the windy mountains,
which meant we didn't have to listen to Raffi on repeat...


  1. I have the same plaid outfit for my little guy! It's so adorable!

  2. cute pictures! I love the alpine loop pics! It makes me miss Utah even more!

  3. do remember driving with us home from the salmon bake when inez was a baby and dave and i had to sing "winnie the pooh" over and over? you thought we were crazy then, and now you just understand.

    and those pics are gorgeous. we need to make that drive before it's too late.
