When we hopped onto the sleep train in December, it was all about baby steps. Initially, I was focused on getting him to sleep on his own long enough for me to watch Oprah without interruption (who are we kidding- I hate Oprah. I'm all about The Bachelor.) and with success came the sweet reward of a more regulated schedule and a full night's sleep. I admit I've been somewhat dreading the next step, which entails him going into his crib before he's totally knocked out. But after being strong-armed while trying to rock him to sleep last night, I realized it was time. At his 4am feeding in the wee hours this morning, he ate and then I rocked him into a mellow mood. Mellow until he started fighting to get out of my arms and squealing like a piglet. So I told him I loved him and put him into his crib. And I went to bed. 45 minutes later, so did Emery. He awoke around 8 a happy little camper and I felt the stars had aligned. An hour later, we tried it again for his morning nap. Rocking, a little love, and a kiss. That was it. 6 minutes later, he was asleep. For two and a half hours! He hasn't slept that long during the day since he was a month old. Pure delight. He awoke and looked like this:
But after some cuddles, he warmed up.
and I got a blurry smile.
P.S. Tonight, he lulled himself to sleep with screams (such horror for a sad mom). But it only lasted a half hour and he's now been sleeping for several hours. Yipee!
i am so proud of you! (and so happy for you!)