This morning, Emery was not content to hang out while I pumped. When I tried to put him in the swing, he was not pleased and started arching his back and pushing his legs against the seat, propelling himself out. He's one strong little man! I decided to put him in his pack n' play, which is one of the few safe places for him in his anger, and then I went into the family room to pump. It was a rough couple of minutes listening to him scream, but I went from panicky to ecstatic when he started talking and cooing (as he has not been a self-comforter and I thought "what a milestone!"). I went in to get him the second that I finished and found him like this:
The only thing alarming about it was that I had put him in perpendicular to the way that he was facing... he had turned himself 90 degrees-- it was a bit startling, to say the least! Although I should have expected something like this, as last week he rolled over from belly to back when he was at grandma's. If he's doing this at two months, I'm not sure what to expect next!
This is probably a little view of how he accomplished such a feat-- he arched his back, pushed down with his sturdy legs, and moved himself in quite a fashion...
I think he looks a bit like Uncle Corey (with hair) as a baby in this one:
He is so dang cute. I can't believe he rolled over already!