Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Erin and Susannah went to the temple open house in Draper, and Jack spent the morning with us.
So that Erin knows I did a semi-decent job of tending her little one, here's what happened:

The boys got acquainted.

Emery zeroed in on a toy.

Emery tried to take that toy from Jack.

Jack tried to protect that toy from Emery.

He admitted defeat seconds later.

They had a staring contest.

And a headbutting contest.

But decided they were both winners. They hugged it out.

They relaxed.

Emery made his excited face.

They copied each other.

They wrestled.

They talked politics.

They got bored talking about politics.

Jack tried to talk me into being excited about Obama as Emery looked on.

Jack tried to talk Emery into being excited about Obama as I looked on.

Emery listened intently to Jack's take on the stimulus package.

Emery was excited to learn his parents might get a tax break and take him to Disneyland with the extra cash.

Jack wanted to go to Disneyland.

Emery wiped a tear that trickled down Jack's face.
He reminded Jack that they had gone to Disneyland together in uetero about three months before they were born.

They took a break from the heated discussion and played a bit more.

Max was jealous of Emery's play date.

And that was that.

Erin and the queen bee arrived in the early afternoon.
Susannah quickly got to work telling Emery what he could and couldn't do.

He paid close attention.

When I asked Susannah what her favorite part of the trip was, she answered "the bus". Erin was pleased that after all the things they saw on the tour, her daughter most enjoyed the ride to and from the temple ("the heavenly house" as Susannah called it).

Thanks for the visit, Baby Jack!


  1. This cracked me up! They're too cute together... LOVE the matching sleepers!
