Sunday, March 15, 2009

my son

I've been rather tearful the last couple of days as I think about my little boy. He is changing so rapidly and it seems every day brings a new discovery for him. I was looking over some blog entries from a couple of months ago and can't believe how different life was. I am grateful for the day to day memories I have captured, because they are often easy to forget. Here are some of his current activities, likes and dislikes, and personality quirks that make him so special to me.
  1. His favorite place to be has changed from his walker to the floor, sitting with his mommy and playing with toys.
  2. His favorite toys are blocks and a plastic bucket. He loves to dump them all out of the bucket and then bang two blocks together or put one in his mouth (he especially likes the blue circle block).
  3. For the last week, he has all but refused to eat baby food. He much prefers slices of turkey, string cheese, cottage cheese, and fresh bananas and strawberries.
  4. The baby cheese puffs that he used to devour, he now tolerates. However, he adores baby yogurt melts. They have saved me a couple of times at the store to buy a little more time to finish our errands.
  5. Like clockwork, exactly one hour after he wakes up, he wants a big bottle of formula and then a nap. This past week, his naps in the morning lasted for an hour and a half each-- a big improvement!
  6. His fuse is short-- when he's done eating, for instance, I have about 17 seconds before he lets me know that he needs to get out of his high chair immediately.
  7. His loves music, especially Raffi. He smiles and starts banging out a beat whenever I turn it on.
  8. He REALLY loves household chores. He follows me in his walker as I do laundry, wash dishes, and vacuum, with the latter being his ultimate favorite.
  9. When he gets excited, he squeals/screeches at the top of his lungs, kicks his legs, puts his hands into tight fists, and bites his teeth down.
  10. He loves to play with the lids of baby food jars while he's eating in his high chair.
  11. He adores Max and any other animal/child under the age of 10. He shows us his excitement by doing what's listed under #9.
  12. While he hasn't crawled yet, when he gets mad he rocks on his arms and legs. Usually, though, he'd rather sit up to play with toys.
  13. If he's really tired or angry, he'll violently throw his head back. He's almost given me a black eye before... he's quite strong!!
  14. He lifts his arms up when he wants to be picked up. If someone is holding him and he wants to go to another person, he'll lean forward with his arms stretched out, completely bending at the waist, reaching for them.
  15. Although he used to love being on his changing table, he dreads it now.
  16. He loves being outside, especially if it's windy.
  17. He's most happy right after a nap.
  18. Lately, when you pick him up, he pulls his legs up and attaches himself to you like a monkey. It only lasts for a second, though-- he reaches for anything and everything within site once you're holding him.
  19. Most often, the first time he tries a new food, he'll make a face like he hates it. But then he'll open his mouth for more and smile.
  20. When my face is close to his, he'll reach up with his chubby fingers and put his hand on my cheek. He loves having our heads touch one another. If I kiss his cheek, he'll push his head into me and talk.
  21. He babbles often, usually saying some version of da-da. When he falls asleep (whether I'm rocking him, he's in the car, etc.) he talks/moans to himself as a way of self-soothing. It usually lasts a couple of minutes.
  22. When he gets excited, he huffs and breathes really rapidly through his mouth. Hard to explain, but pretty funny to watch!
  23. Within 10 seconds, he can rip his glasses completely off, head strap included. The last couple of days, I haven't been able to keep them on for more than a half hour at a time.
  24. When I rock him to sleep at night, right before he closes his eyes he looks at me and smiles with so much love and sincerity. It takes my breath away.


  1. Kelly,
    He is so adorable! I kept looking at the pictures because he is just too cute! I loved reading about him. They grow up way toooo fast!

  2. What a sweet post, Kelly! Thanks for sharing it! Call me back soon, okay? :)

  3. kel, he is so cute and you(and he) are making me baby hungry!

  4. You're such a good mama! Nice post...
