Tuesday, March 17, 2009

knock knock. who is it? 1987.

So I'm thinking of going back to my old hairstyle-- straight bangs and a perm.
I heard neon colors and Ray Bans are coming back in style, so I'm pretty sure this look would work now.

p.s. Michael, my baby cousin in the picture, is graduating from college next month. I'm old.


  1. I hope those pants are tapered, not just regular sweats. You looked hot! Emery is soooo cute...They grow up so fast. I miss you. You should visit for the Cherry Blossom Festival!

  2. i'll get a perm if you do.

  3. Awesome. I have had bangs and I have had perms. What were we thinking?

  4. I LOVE KELLY SHERWIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
