Monday, March 16, 2009

clean hands

Last night, Emery broke the streak.
He woke up 4 different times throughout the night.
We were both tired this morning.
He then refused to take his morning nap, throwing me for another loop.
A stinker, but still adorable.

I finally decided to stop fighting it and embrace that he was awake.
We headed down to Provo for some errands.
He fell asleep upon backing out of the driveway.

After a few hours, we were on our way home.
Fussy, I handed him a bottle of hand sanitizer, as he loves anything new and different
(especially something that's normally off limits).
That was all it took- 30 seconds later, he was back asleep.

At a stop light, I turned around to check on him and found this:

He woke up 30 minutes later with the bottle still in hand.


  1. I love the way you post things. They read like a story every time! :)
    He is so cute, Kelly!

  2. I am impressed with the way he can sleep with his head up and not flopping forward. That drives me nuts. He is to cute with his glasses, i haven't been on in a while and just saw his cute pictures with those cute glasses, i love them.
