Friday, January 2, 2009

everybody's working for the weekend

Nate was able to take most of today off to make it a relaxing 4 day weekend with the holiday.
He worked for a couple of hours in the morning while Emery and I played.

He's loving his walker.

He's REALLY LOVING the dog.
He took off the second he spotted him. I'm already having to deal with issues of abandonment and he's not yet a teenager.

I think Max might be his first word.

We celebrated with an afternoon of errands (although we did throw in a lovely late lunch at Chili's).
Emery was a great sport during our travels in his new big boy car seat.

After 13 times of getting in and out of the car, though, he'd had it.
It's tough being moved around from car to stroller to mom to dad and back again.

And so ended a wonderful day with the family.
We came home for an early dinner and bedtime.
He wasn't too keen with the idea of having to be fed with a spoon. He much prefers the bottle.


  1. Love it! He is so cute, Kelly! And Emery and Keelia totally have the same "big kid" car seat. She loves it, too!

  2. I love that first picture of him. What a cute boy! They are so cute at this age -- and then they start talking and it's all over from there!
